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How do I place my order ?

Choose the item(s) you want to buy on the product page, then click the “Add To Cart/Buy Now” button and proceed to the checkout page to complete your order(s). We’ll handle your order and let you know the shipping time!

How much does shipping cost? 

We offer free shipping on all orders.

How long will it take to ship my order ?

On average, merchandise is processed and shipped from our facility 1-2 business days after purchase.

Standard shipping/transit times apply: 7-14 business days

My tracking number isn't working ?

Tracking numbers can take 1-3 business days to show up in the shipping carrier's system. If the tracking number is still not working within a few days, please contact us at Support@Biscuitbaker.com

How long will it take to receive a tracking number ?

It will usually take between 2-5 business days.

What should I do if a made I mistake with my order ?

First off, please try not to!

However, you can still update your order information (including changing size, color, quantity, or shipping address). Please immediately contact us at Support@Biscuitbaker.com and our team will gladly resolve all of your concerns.

Can I cancel an order ?

You can cancel or modify an order within 12 hours from the moment you finish your checkout process. After this time, your order will be immediately sent into production.

Please contact us at Support@Biscuitbaker.com with your order details. We will cancel your order and provide a full refund.We cannot cancel orders once the printing process has begun.

What type of payments do you accept ?

We accept major credit cards. The available options will be displayed at checkout.

How secure is my personal information ? 

We adhere to the highest security standards to protect your personal information when you enter the checkout page and purchase from our online store.

When purchasing online using your credit card, all of your information is entered into an SSL secure web page. Your information is then SSL-encrypted and sent directly to our credit card provider's network, where your card and transaction are authorized and approved.

Your credit card information is not stored on our servers.

Where do you ship from ? 

We ship from our partnered warehouses & factories located in UK, US ,and China.


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